Monday, June 28, 2010

Do the means justify the end

Sri Sri: In our History there was one King, Satyawadi Harishchandra, he always said truth,

so he got an ego that he always tells truth. So he had to undergo a lot of problems. No one says: ‘Why should I tell the truth and suffer?” this feeling can come, but people who lie, are they joyful in the end? Lies should be like salt in the food that is all.

In life four things are needed:

Mukti – Freedom

Bhakti – Devotion

Yukti - Tactic

Shakti – Strength

First, Freedom, without freedom there will be no love. In freedom mind has no conflicts, it is free from inhibitions. Then love comes, then Yukti happens and then Shakti.

There are different types of Shaktis –

Intellect, Mind, Body and Material.

If there is only Shakti and Yukti then life is not whole, feel that you have them all.
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Commentary on the Raja Yoga Sutras by Sri Swami Satchidananda

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