Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Turbulent times

Sri Sri:

"Taking advantage of turbulent times began long time back - from the Bhagwad Gita.It was in the turbulent times that the Bhagwad Gita came up, and we are still taking advantage of it! Isn't it so? In the war-field, Krishna was the one to take advantage of the turbulent time - that's when he started teaching Arjuna. He didn't teach him when everything was all right and nor was Arjuna ready to listen to anything for he thought Krishna was just his friend; but when the turbulent time came, that's when that knowledge and wisdom were essential... that's when that calmness, steadiness and clarity of mind to perceive things the way they are and to act wisely were essential. This knowledge, this understanding was given in this turbulent time and was what came of it - for the entire continent (perhaps for the whole world). Twenty-eight Akshohini senas (armies) were annihilated at that time - HUGE - more than ten million people. The Bhagwad Gita came into existence at that turbulent time...and we are still taking advantage of it. Now let's see... What is it that we really need to be able to take advantage of a turbulent time? First of all, we must recognize that it is a turbulent time... and accept it. When we deny the turbulent time, we live in a utopia - a utopia that we are then unable to find a solution for. So first recognize that it is a turbulent time. The second thing is accepting it. The moment we accept that this time is turbulent or this situation is bad, then our emotions calm down. We don't question it: `Why is it turbulent? WHY is it turbulent??' This questioning the happening, which is happening, is of no use! It is like post mortem! It doesn't help the situation in the present moment. So then, accepting that this is so, will bring calmness, steadiness in the mind. When the emotions are calm, you are able to think better because the same energy, in us, either functions as an emotion or as a thought process - as creative thinking. So if we exhaust our energy in emotions, in getting upset over turbulent times, we are unable to make use of that time in creativity, in creative thinking and bringing about a solution to the problem. So, acceptance is the second point. Once you accept, it cannot be a passive acceptance, like: 'Okay....Let it happen...Let us leave it to God...'- that type of passive acceptance will not work! There you need action! Creativity! What change do you want to make and how do you want to make good use of the situation? You need clarity of mind, sharpness of mind, presence of mind. In turbulent times, the mind should not be turbulent. The time can be turbulent, but if the mind is turbulent, it cannot take advantage - rather it will be a big disadvantage for others! To quote the Gita again, `Anithyam asukham lokum ayevum prapam yogaham karamsu kaushalam'. This world is `anithya' - full of changes. Everything in this world is changing. Don't think that there is joy here, in the object, in the substance, in the situation, in the time. You ARE joy! ... And having attained this, go ahead, work, act.

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